Travel for Grownups at the Cape of Good Hope

Travel for Grownups

Travel for Grownups offers visually immersive experiences and curated travel dreams with authentic travel options that balance luxurious indulgences with realistic areas to economize to meet the needs of grownups that travel.

Discover Travel for Grownups travel planning tips and vacation itineraries to take those bucket list trips!

Next, explore the world with me across the continents and among the tropical islands as I share my travel adventures and misadventures with friends, family, and while solo traveling and seek to quench my wanderlust.

My Travel Experience

So far, I have traveled to 40 countries in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. This includes Central America, Eastern and Western Europe, and a nice sampling of islands in the Central and South Pacific Oceans as well as the Caribbean. In addition, traveling as a grownup, I have also visited and a good chunk of the states in the United States.

Most of these trips were planned within a vacation allowance of two weeks or less off of work. A few times I have had the luxury of working remote or being laid off from my job which allowed me to take a little longer than a two week travel itinerary.

All of the trips balanced budget needs with my preference for luxury. For instance, those over water bungalows in French Polynesia look amazing but I was not willing to spend a mortgage payment for every night I stayed on the islands. Still, I traveled to French Polynesia and vacationed and worked remotely for 45 days on the islands of Bora Bora, Moorea, and Tahiti at a reasonable cost.

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